Anxious for Nothing…”Hoping Through Anxiety”- 9/15/24

Anxious for Nothing… “Hoping Through Anxiety”

Romans 8:28-37

Sermon Application Questions

 Take Notes Here

Icebreaker: Have you ever skipped to the end of a book or scrolled to the end of a game to see what happens in the end?  What caused you to do that?  Did it give you a sense of relief? 

Read Romans 8:28-30

What is the context in which Paul is writing this passage?

Do you believe that God works all things for your good?

How has God used difficult circumstances in your life for a greater purpose?

How do you see God’s calling in your life?

How does knowing you are “called according to His purpose” change the way you view

your daily life?

Read Romans 8:31-34

How does knowing that “God is for us” influence your confidence when facing life’s challenges?

In what situations do you feel alone or anxious, and how does this passage reassure you?

How does Jesus’ role as your intercessor give you confidence in your relationship with God?

Read Romans 8:35-37

Do you ever feel like circumstances could separate you from God’s love? Do you have any “deal


How does this passage address fears of separation from God’s love during hardship or


What are some challenges or hardships you are facing right now?

How does this passage help you persevere and trust in God’s love despite these difficulties?

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