Hope…What Hope is, What Hope is Not- 2/19/23

Hope…What Hope is, What Hope is Not

Romans 5:1-5; 15:13

Sermon Notes

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Icebreaker: When you were growing up, what was the one thing that you hoped for the most? 


In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul reminds us “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.”  Why does the church excel in teaching on faith and love but not hope?


Read Romans 5: 1-5

What does hope mean to the Christian?


According to this passage, who is our hope grounded in?


What exactly has Jesus done to provide us hope?


The Message translates verse two like this, “We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand- out in the wide-open spaces of God’s grace and glory”. Does it come close to capturing your deepest longing?


How does this hope impact now and eternity?


How do our current struggles and suffering increase our hope? Where do we see this modeled in the Bible?


Where have you seen this paradox become a reality in your own life?


Why does God’s hope not disappoint or put us to shame?


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