I AM… The Bread of Life- 3/9/25
I AM… The Bread of Life
Sermon Application Questions
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Icebreaker: What is your favorite kind of bread?
Read Exodus 3:14
Why does God introduce Himself to Moses as “I Am”?
What does “I Am” mean?
Read John 6:25-35
When Jesus says, “I Am…the bread of life”, what is Jesus saying about who He really is?
In verse 27, Jesus tells the crowd not to work for food that perishes but for the food that
endures to eternal life. What are some “perishable” things you find yourself striving for in life?
Jesus says in verse 29 that the “work of God” is to believe in Him. How does this challenge or
change your understanding of faith and what it means to follow Jesus?
The crowd asked for a sign (v. 30), even though Jesus had just performed a miracle (feeding the
5,000). Have there been times in your life when you struggled to trust God despite His past
faithfulness? How can you grow in trusting Him today?
Jesus calls Himself the “Bread of Life” (v. 35). In what ways do you try to satisfy your spiritual
hunger with things other than Christ? What would it look like to truly “feed” on Him daily?
How can we as a church help one another focus on the “true bread” rather than the temporary
things of this world?
Who in your life needs to hear about Jesus as the Bread of Life? How can you share this truth
with them in a loving and practical way?
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