Ministry Fair Sunday- 5/19/24

Ministry Fair Sunday

Ephesians 4:11-13; Romans 12:5

Sermon Application Questions

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Reflecting on this quote:  Howard Snyder says in Liberating the Church that “most church members expect doctors to treat us, not to train us to treat others.  We expect lawyers to give us expert advice, not to admit us to the secret fraternity of those who understand how the legal system works.  Likewise, we want pastors to serve us, not to build and train us to serve others.”

Read Ephesians 4:11-13 and Romans 12:5

What are the specific roles and responsibilities of the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers?

How did their gifts build up the church?

Why were they called to equip the members of the church?

What were they equipping the church to do?

What spiritual gift has God given you?

What is the work that God has called you to do?

How are you using it to build up and benefit Good Sam?

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