Walking with Jesus…Serve- 2/16/25

Walking with Jesus… Serve

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: How many times today did you have the opportunity to serve God?  How many times today did you have the opportunity to serve others?  What’s the difference? 

Read Luke 10: 25-34

  • What did Jesus say the most important commands were? Why was this a surprise?
  • Why was the teacher of the law asking Jesus to define the word “neighbor”?
  • Why was it a shock that a Samaritan would be the positive example?
  • In your own words, how would you define compassion?
  • Where is God calling you to extend compassion to others?
  • What will it cost you? What will you gain?

Read Ephesians 2: 8-10

  • What does Paul mean when he writes that “salvation is God’s gift”?
  • How are we called to respond to God’s gifts of grace, love, and salvation?
  • What “good works” are we called to do in response to God’s love for us?

Read Matthew 20: 26-28

  • What is the context of this passage?
  • How does Jesus turn the concept of “greatness” on its head?
  • What do you think the disciples must have thought about this teaching?
  • What do you think about it?
  • Who is Jesus calling you to serve this week?

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