Words Create Worlds…”Thanks”- 01/26/25

Words Create Worlds… “Thanks”

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Recall the last thank you letter you sent- For what were you thanking that person?


Read Luke 17:11-19

  • What is significance of area Jesus was traveling? What is a “borderland” you encounter in your life?
  • The Jewish people were at odds with Samaritans; they saw each other as enemies. How do you treat your enemies?
  • Why did Jesus tell the 10 men to present themselves to the priest?
  • What is the significance of the Samaritan returning to Jesus? How did the Samaritan thank Jesus?
  • Recall a time someone sang you praise for a job well done. How did it feel to be shown gratitude?
  • Why do we show gratitude to God?
  • When was the last time you shared your gratitude towards Jesus with others?
  • How might you foster a practice of thankfulness and gratitude in you daily life?

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