Telling Your Story…Making it Clear- 5/7/23
Telling Your Story…Making it Clear
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Sermon Application Questions
Take Notes Here:
Icebreaker: Last week we asked God to help us take a step closer to our neighbors. Did God open any doors? How did God begin to change you through these prayers?
Donald Miller reminds us that “Becoming a Christian might look more like falling in love than baking cookies.”
Why does telling God’s Story often come across like a recitation of a formula instead of an invitation into a relationship?
What motivates you to share the Good News?
Read 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4
Paraphrase Paul’s message in your own words.
In this passage, Paul reminds us what the Gospel is. What is the bad news? What is the good news?
What does the Good News mean for us and others?
How can we invite people to respond to the Good News? What are the main points in this passage and why are they important?
Who are the people that you are praying that would hear and respond to God’s Good News?
Review the Good News model we discovered two weeks ago. What part did you invest in this week? What was that like?
They meet you, they like you, they realize you are a Christian, they respect your faith, they respect the Bible, they begin to hear the Good News, they recognize their spiritual need, they pray the prayer
What did you learn from God’s Word?
What will you do?
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