BLESS…Eating Together- 2/25/24

Bless…Eating Together

Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 14:12-14

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker:  What is the most enjoyable meal you ever experienced?  What put it at the top of your list?

Read Matthew 9:9-13

When you think about Jesus “doing ministry,” do you picture Him preaching and teaching to the crowds, hanging out with people around a table, or something else? Why do you think you have that primary picture of Jesus?

Where have your most spiritually transforming experiences taken place? Did they happen in a larger setting or in a more intimate setting?

Matthew, the tax collector, was considered to be the scum of the earth, a corrupt traitor who gouged his own people to fill his own pockets and pay off Rome, the occupying nation. Why do you think Jesus chose a meal to start a relationship with people like this?

What is your biggest obstacle to sharing meals with people outside of your friends and family?

Read Luke 14: 12-14

Reflect on this statement:  Sharing a meal was one of Jesus’ primary means to BLESS others. If we want to be a BLESSing to others, we need to eat with them.  

Have you ever intentionally shared a meal with someone you did not like or relate to in order to BLESS them? 

This week

Who will you spend time eating with this week in order to BLESS them?

One Last thought…

“Sharing meals together on a regular basis is one of the most sacred practices we can engage in as believers. Missional hospitality is a tremendous opportunity to extend the kingdom of God. We can literally eat our way into the kingdom of God! If every Christian household regularly invited a stranger or a poor person into their home for a meal once a week, we would literally change the world by eating!” -Alan Hirsch

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