Love and Light…God’s Love for Us- 5/26/24

Love & Light…God’s Love for Us

1 John 4:7-21

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Has your life been shaped by the threat of law or the wonder of God’s grace? How does this shape your understanding of God’s Love?

Read 1 John 4: 7-21

The word love or some form of it occurs no fewer than twenty-seven times in these fifteen

verses. What is the connection between human love and God’s love?

“We love, because he first loved us” is one of the most well-known verses in this letter. How

has experiencing God’s love for you given you the motivation and ability to love God and

others in turn?

What can our love, or lack of love, be taken as evidence of and why? (vv. 13–21)

What are the issues that seek to divide Good Sam in 2024? How would John encourage us?

In this passage John is reminding a disunited church that God’s love is the answer.  How

does God’s love bring unity to our Good Sam?

John says we should not look to the day of judgment with fear. How does love drive out fear?

(vv. 16–18)

Why is this unifying love so challenging to live out?

How is this love only accomplished in receiving and being transformed by God’s love?

What are the perceived risks and challenges of loving the way that God loves us?

This week, how can you show love to others even when there are tensions or problems?

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