ELIJAH…How to Pray- 6/30/24

ELIJAH… “How to Pray”

James 5:17; 1 Kings 18:41-46

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Richard Foster reminds us, “When it comes to prayer, we are all beginners.”  What do you think of this statement? 

Read James 5:17

How would you describe your prayer life?

What does it mean to pray earnestly?

What are the qualities of this kind of prayer life?

Read I Kings 18:41-46

If Elijah could hear rain, why did he need to pray for rain? (v. 41)

Why does God want us to believe what we cannot see?

What is Elijah’s posture in prayer? Does this matter? (v. 42)

What is your spiritual posture when you come to God?

What does Elijah specifically pray for?

What are you specifically praying for?

What do you need from God that only God can provide?

How does Elijah pray with persistence? (v. 43)

What have you quit praying for that you need to start praying for again?

It’s good to remember that the rain only came after God’s people repented and acknowledged

that they had been worshiping false gods.


Is there something that you need to repent of so that you can experience God’s fullest blessing?

Is there anything that God is doing in your life that is like a hand sized cloud?

Is there any place in your life that you are realizing that you need to get up to speed because

God is going to do something big, and you need to start running so that you don’t get left behind?

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