ELIJAH…Dealing with Depression- 07/07/24

ELIJAH… “Dealing with Depression”

1 Kings 19:1-10

Sermon Application Questions

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Read 1 Kings 19:1-3a

What significant victories did Elijah experience before his period of discouragement?

How did Jezebel’s threat impact Elijah despite his previous experiences of God’s power?

Can you identify a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed even when God had been faithful?

Read 1 Kings 19:3b-5a

Does it surprise you that Elijah, a hero of the faith, was so depressed that he asked God to take his life?

How did Elijah get to this point?

Elijah wore himself out, shut people out, focused on the negative, and forgot God. Which of these behaviors do you identify with most when you are in deep discouragement?

Read 1 Kings 19:5b-8

How does God care for Elijah?

Read 1 Kings 19:9-10  

Why did Elijah feel so alone? Was he really alone?

Who are the people in your life that you can reach out to for support during tough times?

How can you build a supportive community that encourages openness and vulnerability?

What practical steps can you take this week to avoid wearing yourself out?

How can you make time for experiencing God’s presence in your daily routine?

What is one lie you will commit to replacing with God’s truth this week?

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