Anxious for Nothing…”Deciding Through Anxiety”- 9/8/24

Anxious for Nothing… “Deciding Through Anxiety”

Philippians 4:4-7; Acts 15:22, 25, 28

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Why do big decisions bring high anxiety? Has there ever been a time you thought you made the right choice, only to later discover you were wrong?

Read Proverbs 14:12 ESV

Why do Godly decisions go beyond, “It seemed good to me” or “It seemed right to me”?

Why do our decisions lead us to a place we really don’t want to go?

Read Acts 15: 22, 25, 28

What was happening in Acts 15?  What was at stake?

Do you think this decision caused the early church leaders anxiety?

What were all the things that went into this decision?

What part did the Holy Spirit play in the decision-making process?

Who was also involved in making this decision?

How did this decision bless the Church?

Anti-Anxiety Prescription – September 8, 2024

Are you facing a difficult decision? If so, ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and


Who do you know that loves Christ that would pray for you and give you Godly perspective

as you make your decision?

Do you know anyone struggling with a hard decision? How can you pray and encourage


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