I Voted for Jesus…”Unity at the Top of the Ticket”- 9/22/24

I Voted for Jesus- “Unity at the Top of the Ticket”

John 17:20-23; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Sermon Application Questions

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Why does politics bring out the worst of us as a nation?

Why does politics bring out the worst of us in the American Church?

Read John 17: 20- 23

From what you know about the disciples, were they on the same page politically,

economically, educationally, relationally?

Why was unity so important in Jesus’ last moments?

Unity always comes at a cost.  What was Jesus willing to pay so we could experience unity?

How do you feel that Jesus prayed for you by name the night He was betrayed?

What are the things that GSCCC is doing to build unity in this political season?

Read 1 Corinthians 9:19 -23

How was the term “Christian” a politically charged term in the first century?

In this passage, Paul’s ultimate goal was to win.  What exactly was the win for Paul?

When Paul tells us that he willingly became a slave to the people he was reaching for Christ,

what does he mean?

Today, we are encouraged to take a stand, pick a side and to do whatever it takes so that

our vote carries the day.  Why did Paul refuse to take a stand on the positions of that

day?  Was he being soft or indecisive, or was something else in play?

Is Paul telling us that the Gospel is so revolutionary it cannot be blended with or co-opted by

any agenda other than the intended agenda?

Are you willing to, “become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might

save some”?  What steps will you take this week?

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