You’ve Got a Friend in Me…”Paul and Philemon”- 11/03/24

You’ve Got a Friend in Me… “Paul and Philemon”

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Describe a time that a true friend helped you see something you didn’t want to see and do something that you didn’t want to do. 

Read Philemon 1:1-22

Who was Paul, Philemon and Onesimus?  Describe their relationship.

Paul encouraged Philemon to forgive and welcome Onesimus, who had wronged him. Are

there people in your life you need to forgive?

Who are the “Pauls” in your life- people who help hold you accountable in your faith walk?

How do they challenge you to grow closer to Christ?

Paul appeals to Philemon not by command but out of love. How does this model the

generosity and grace we should extend to others, especially in difficult relationships?

Paul’s letter reveals how deeply faith influences our relationships. In what ways does your

relationship with Christ affect how you treat friends, family, and even those who have

wronged you?

Paul refers to Philemon as a “partner” in the gospel (Philemon 1:17). How do you view your

friendships in the context of gospel partnership?

How can your friendships become more centered on Christ’s mission?

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