Walking with Jesus…Prayer- 2/23/25

Walking with Jesus… Prayer

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: If you could have a five-minute conversation with anyone in history (besides Jesus), who would it be and why?

Read Matthew 6:9-13

How does addressing God as “Our Father” shape your understanding of prayer and your

relationship with Him?

In what ways can you grow in seeking God’s kingdom and will in your daily life?

What are some areas where you need to trust God more for your “daily bread” rather than


Jesus emphasizes forgiveness—are there people in your life you need to forgive or seek

forgiveness from?

How does praying “lead us not into temptation” encourage you to rely on God for spiritual


What does “Yours is the kingdom, power, and glory forever” mean for how you live today?

What specific step can you take this week to deepen your prayer life based on Jesus’ model?

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