The Beauty of Baptism – 8/22/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Ice Breaker

Why has baptism been such a contentious issue in the history of the church?

Who do you know who was baptized as an infant?  Who do you know who was baptized as an adult?

How do each of these modes of baptism point to the love and work of God?

How does baptism point the work that God has done to secure our salvation?

Read: Mark 1:9-11

Why was Jesus baptized?

How does baptism through immersion illustrate the life, death and resurrection of Christ?

Why is baptism a public expression of faith in Christ?

Read Acts 2:38-39 and Acts 16:31-33

In teaching about baptism why didn’t Jesus give us clear instruction about dedication and baptism?

After hearing this sermon, what is your understanding of:

  • Infant dedication
  • Infant baptism
  • Adult baptism

How does being a congregation that affirms both infant dedication, infant baptism, and adult baptism help us to be open to God’s activity?

Next Steps 

Is there a next step that you or your family would like to take in this area?

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