Testing – 7/25/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Ice Breaker

Everyone has a past, a place and time in their lives where they would go back and choose a better way to live. Where and when is your Egypt? 

How has the pain of the past paralyzed you? 

Read Genesis 42

This week, we are reintroduced to Joseph’s family.  How has their life progressed since they sold Joseph into slavery? What was life like for his father? What was life like for his brothers?

What must have it been like for Joseph’s brothers to go to Egypt?  Why would this journey bring the past into their present?

How do you think Joseph felt when he encountered his brothers?

Why did Joseph accuse his brothers of being spies?

Verse 19 read, Joseph said to them, “Do this and you will live, for I fear God”. 

What does it mean to fear God? How does fearing God help us to face life’s most challenging circumstances?

How and why did Joseph test his brothers? What was he seeking to accomplish?


How does God see people with a past?

What are the steps God gives us to face our past, receive forgiveness and live in freedom? 

This week, read Psalm 103, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 and Colossians 2:13-14. After reading these Scriptures, how would you describe God’s forgiveness to a friend or co-worker?

This week, how will you face your past, accept the truth, and receive forgiveness? 

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