Redemption – 7/11/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Ice Breaker

Who do you know that has skyrocketed into Christian ministry?  What were the events that shaped their ministry?  

W. Tozer once said: “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Where has this been illustrated in your life? 

Read Genesis 41:1

What must it have been like for Joseph to be forgotten another two years? 

How many years did Joseph suffer before God redeemed him?  Why did God take so long? What was God teaching Joseph in the process?

Summarize Genesis 41:22

How have you experienced spiritual darkness before the spiritual dawn arrives?

Where else do you see this pattern in scripture? 

What do you think went through Joseph’s mind when he heard that Pharaoh had a dream that needed interpretation?

Read Genesis 41:25-32

How does Joseph draw attention to God all the way through the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream?  

How does this differ from the way he interpreted his dream with his family?

Read Genesis 41:33- 46

How was Joseph’s humility and integrity rewarded? 

How old was Joseph when he was promoted? 

What was Joseph now responsible for?  How did this promotion change his life? 

Have you considered that God may want to promote you to a position that requires more responsibility?


What is God saying to you through His Word? 

How and when will you respond? 

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