Hosanna! A Perfect Storm – 3/28/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

A perfect storm is a particularly violent storm arising from a rare combination of adverse meteorological factors.

Describe a time where you have experienced a perfect storm. What were the fronts that collided to create it?

What where the factors that created the perfect storm for Jesus as he entered Jerusalem?

Read Matthew 21:1-11. 

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, the people recognize him as the coming king. They are right but for the wrong reasons. They were worshiping Jesus not for who he was but for who they hoped He would be. Have you ever said the right thing for the wrong reasons?

What kind of messiah were the people hoping for?

Today, what are some of the wrong reasons people   recognize Jesus as the Messiah?

What are the things that we can do to worship Jesus, not for who we want him to be but for who he really is?

What does the word hosanna literally mean? What are some of the things you need Jesus to save you from?

When Jesus saves you from something, it is in order to save you for something else.

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