Clutching – 8/8/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Read Genesis 43:1-14

Why does Israel (Jacob) change his mind in sending his sons back to Egypt for more food?

How does Judah’s offer of protection of Benjamin (43:8-9) differ from that of Rueben’s (42:37)?

Jacob is now referred to as Israel in Genesis 43. Jacob means “Deceiver” and Israel means “he strives (struggles) with God.”  Why do you think the author uses the name Israel in Genesis 43?

What are you wrestling with God about?

What are you holding onto from your past which is keeping you from acknowledging and receiving God’s very best?

Israel relents and sends his sons, including Benjamin, to Egypt. He tells them to bring fruits of the land (11) and double the money (12). Israel is trying to control the situation. What is a time you have tried to stack the deck in your favor? Were you relying on God or yourself?

Read Genesis 43:14 aloud as if Israel was speaking those words. What message do you think Israel was communicating to his sons?

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