Faithfulness – 6/27/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Ice Breaker

As we are coming out of the pandemic, what are you appreciating in a new way?

What is biggest thing that has brought suffering into your life?

C.S. Lewis writes: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains.”  Have you found this to be true in your life?  

How has Joseph suffered in this series so far?

Read Genesis 39: 20b-23

Describe the scenario in these verses.

How do you see God’s faithfulness expression in the midst of Joseph’s suffering?

Summarize Genesis 40: 1-22

What do you think went through Joseph’s mind when he heard that the cupbearer and the baker had dreams that needed interpretation?

Why is it amazing that Joseph would offer to interpret the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker?

In what ways do you see Joseph responding to God’s faithfulness with faithfulness of his own? 

Read Genesis 40:23

What do you think Joseph must have felt when his faithfulness was rewarded with being forgotten? 

How did it impact his faith in God? 

Read James 1:2–6

Does suffering mean that a person is in or out of the will of God? Explain your reasoning.

What is the result of our faith being tested?

How can you grow in the valley of suffering instead of just going through it? 


What is God saying to you through His Word? 

How and when will you respond? 

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