Together Again…Remember Jesus’ Prayer- 01/23/22

Together Again…Remember Jesus’ Prayer

John 17: 20-26

 Sermon Application Questions

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Ice Breaker


If you had one day to live, what would you pray for?  Why?

In your own words, how do you define unity?

What are the things that are making unity more and more challenging in 2022?

Read John 17:20-26


You can tell a lot about a person when you hear them pray.  What did you learn about Jesus as you listened to him pray?

Unity always comes at a cost.  What was Jesus willing to pay so we could experience unity?

Why was unity so important in Jesus’ last moments?

How do you feel that Jesus prayed for you by name, the night he was betrayed?

How did Jesus model unity for you and for me?  How was this unity expressed with God, his Father?

How does unity serve as a powerful witness to the love of God?

What are the things that GSCCC is doing to demonstrate unity?

What are the things that threaten unity at GSCCC?

How did the early church celebrate diversity and live in unity?

We are in the habit of asking Jesus to answer our prayers, this morning, Pastor Jed challenged us to be the answer to Jesus’ prayer.  This week, how will you do this?

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