Toolbox…Mission- 02/20/22


Ephesians 2:10

 Take Notes Here:

Sermon Application Questions


What is your favorite tool? 

How has your favorite tool been designed to accomplish a specific job?

What happens when you use the wrong tool in the wrong way? 

In the Toolbox Sermon Series, we are praying that you would discover that you are God’s masterpiece and would find your calling in life and commit to the work God has given you to do.

Read Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

What is your first thought when you hear that you are God’s masterpiece?

What difference does it make knowing that you were made on purpose and for a purpose?

How does God intend to “create us anew in Christ Jesus??

The phrase “so we can do” from this verse, if literally translated, would be, “in order that we might walk in them”. The purpose of these prepared-in-advance works is not “to work in them” but “to walk in them”.   What is the difference between working in and walking in?

This verse reminds us that Jesus has called every follower to invest very unique gifts in furthering God’s kingdom. How is God using you to accomplish His work?

Application questions

This week spend time praying that God would remind you that you are His masterpiece and are a unique part of the body of Christ.

This week spend time observing your unique gifts, passion and talents.


This week take a spiritual gifts online assessment at

Bring your results to your WNL group next week.

The first time you email your notes, please check your spam folder if you can’t find your email in your inbox. 


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