Toobox…Gifts 2/27/22


Ephesians 2:8-10

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Sermon Application Questions

Breaking the Ice

What is a gift/talent/skill that you wish you had? Why?

Read Ephesians 2:8-10

  • What does it mean to be God’s masterpiece (handiwork)?
  • If you are saved by the grace of God, why are you called to use your gifts?

Opening Your Toolbox

Read 1 Samuel 17:23, 38-40

We discussed how when David confronted Goliath, he brought the tools he used every day and turned down Saul’s tools of war.

  • What is your sling?
  • Why is it important to use the gifts (tools) you use on a regular basis?
  • What gifts are you are trying to use that are not yours?

Read 1 Samuel 16:23 

We talked about David’s harp playing- a Spirit-empowered gift- and when you “play that harp,” it unleashes a supernatural impact on the heart, mind, and soul of other people.

  • Share a time that you witness or experienced someone’s “harp playing”.
  • What is your harp?
  • How could you use your harp to affect those around you?

Final Thoughts

  • What is holding you back from using the gifts God has given you?

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