I Love My Church…Serving 10/02/22

I Love My Church- Serving

1 Corinthians 12:4-7; Romans 12:3-8

Sermon Notes

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Ice Breaker Questions: 

It’s been said that 20% of the people do 80% of the work.  Where have you seen this in action?

Is this statement true of Good Sam?  Why or why not?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 

What are your spiritual gifts and why did God give them to you?

When you use your spiritual gifts, that not only bless others but it blesses you.  How does this work?  Have you experienced this in your own life?

How are you currently using your spiritual gifts to advance God’s Kingdom?

Read Galatians 5:14 

Learning to engage in good deeds brings us closer to understanding Jesus’ character.  How did Jesus serve others?

Loving our church is intertwined with serving each other. How are you using your gifts to serve others at Good Sam?

Read James 3:13

How does service to others reveal our maturity as Christians?

How can you “encourage one another toward love and good deeds?”

As we do good deeds for others in the church, our love will be noticed by the world. Our service is a living testimony of our faith in Jesus.  How have you found this to work in your own life?

This week, who will you serve?

How will you apply this sermon to your life?  How will you love others as Jesus loved you?

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