Anxious for Nothing…”Growing Through Anxiety”- 8/4/24

Anxious for Nothing… “Growing Through Anxiety”

Philippians 4:4-7

Sermon Application Questions

 Take Notes Here

Icebreaker: What causes you anxiety? What’s your natural response when you are worrying? 

Read Philippians 4:4-7

How can anxiety help us to see where we need to grow in our walk with Jesus?

What were the apostle Paul’s circumstances when he penned these words?  Why did he have good

reason to be anxious?

Paul begins this passage with a command, “Rejoice!” What makes following this command to rejoice

in any circumstance hard for you to do?

Instead of being anxious, what are we to do?

What are the most significant things in these verses God is asking you to do in response to when we

worry or feel anxious?

How can you practically apply this to your life?

Do you believe what Paul said at the end of verse 7? How have you experienced that kind of peace in

your life?

Anti-Anxiety Prescription – August 3rd, 2024

  • Read Psalms 46 daily
  • Spend 10 minutes every day being still before God
  • Next Appointment- Sunday, August 11th @ 10:00am

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