Anxious for Nothing…”Praising Through Anxiety”- 8/18/24

Anxious for Nothing… “Praising Through Anxiety”

Philippians 4:4-7; Philippians 1:12-13; Acts 16:22

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Has there ever been a time in your life when a new perspective made a big difference? What happened? 


Read Philippians 4:4-7

What does rejoicing mean to you? How do you rejoice?


When was the last time you rejoiced in the Lord? What made you rejoice?


Is your rejoicing tied to what God is doing or who God is?


Read Acts 16:25-26

Why were Paul and Silas able to praise God while they were in prison?


How did this expense shape how Paul would respond when he was thrown in prison in Rome?


Read Philippians 1:12-13

Why was Paul able to look at his circumstances from such a positive perspective?


How can we start to approach all situations with a perspective of praise?


How can we start to approach all situations with a perspective of praise?


How could you praise God for a struggle you’re facing right now?


If someone you know is struggling with anxiety, how could you use what you have learned today to

encourage them?


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