BLESS…Sharing the Story 3/10/24

BLESS…Sharing the Story

Luke 15:11-32

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker:  When is the last time you have been completely drawn in by a story?

Read Luke 15:11–32

What strikes you as remarkable in this story?

Why might the son have asked for his inheritance early?

How might the father, family, and community have felt about this son’s request?

In what ways did receiving his inheritance either provide or not provide for the things and life the son longed for?

Have you ever tried to meet needs you have in ways that ended up hurting you?

What changes the son’s attitude and how does the son demonstrate that change of heart in his second request of his father?

What do you notice about the father’s response to his son’s return and repentance?

What strikes you about the older son and the father’s response to him?

With which character (younger son, older son, father) in the story do you most identify and why?

What does Jesus’s illustration teach his listeners and us about our heavenly Father?

Break up into pairs and share your story of faith. End by giving thanks for God’s transforming work in your lives.

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