Comfort & Joy…In the Loss of a Dream- 12/10/23

Comfort & Joy… “In the Loss of a Dream”

Matthew 1:18-25

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: What words do you associate with Christmas? Did shame and disgrace make your list?  Why would those words be on Joseph’s list?

Read Matthew 1:18-25

How does Joseph discover that Mary is carrying Jesus the Messiah?  How does that

differ from the way that Mary discovered this news?

Did Joseph believe Mary?  Would you?

Why would this news bring disgrace and shame to Joseph?

In verse 19 we read, he “did not want to expose her to public disgrace” What does this

really mean for Mary? How was this a life or death situation for Mary?

How does Joseph respond to this news? (v.19) What do we discover about Joseph’s

character in this situation?

In verse 20 the angle does three things to bring Joseph comfort and joy? What are they?

How do these three things transform Joseph’s disgrace and shame to comfort and joy?

How do we know that this transformation has occurred?

Do you believe that God has the power to break the power of disgrace and shame in

your life?

How can you invite God into the darkest corners of your life?

What is the Good News that God wants you to know in this season?

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