Easter…Not What We Expected- 3/31/24

Easter…Not What We Expected

Luke 24:13-33

Sermon Application Questions

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Read Luke 24:13- 33 

What were the disciples discussing as they were on the road to Emmaus?

What had happened and why was it a devastating blow?

What kept the disciples from recognizing Jesus?

How can this story of Jesus’ encounter with the disciples offer a model for us as we find

ourselves in difficulties, confusion or grief?

What are the similarities and differences between the meal in verses 28–35 and the very

first meal recorded in the Bible in Genesis 3:6–7?

What does Jesus use to explain his life, mission and ministry?  How do you describe your

life, mission and ministry?

How can we grow in our ability to see Jesus this way?

Why does Jesus disappear after the disciples’ eyes are opened?

How did this encounter change the disciples’ lives forever?

How is Jesus changing your life?

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