Elijah…Listening to God’s Voice- 7/14/24

ELIJAH… “Listening to God’s Voice”

1 Kings 19:11-18

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: How does God speak to you? 

Read 1 Kings 19: 11-12

Where do you go so that you can hear God’s voice? Where is your cave?

What do you think Elijah was expecting to hear?

Why did God not speak through the wind, earthquake or fire?

Does it surprise you that God spoke to Elijah with a gentle whisper?

Has God spoken to you in this way?

Here are several questions to ask to make sure your whisper is from God.  

Is it congruent with God’s character?

Does it align with Scripture?

Is it wise?

What do your Christian friends think?

Read 1 Kings 19: 13 

What is the question that God asks Elijah?  Why is it such an important question?

Why is it important that we continue to answer it?

Read 1 Kings 19: 14-18

What is the truth that Elijah has forgotten?  Why do we need to be reminded of this truth?

What does God instruct Elijah to do?

What is God calling you to do?

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