HARK!… “Magi”- 12/29/24

HARK!… “Magi”

Matthew 2:1-12

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: How do you get informed about news, local/national/world?

How would the Magi know about the meaning of the star?

Would King Herod and the religious leaders believe the shepherds if they had reported

Messiah’s birth? Whose testimonies do you give the most merit?

Read Matthew 2:16

What was Herod’s reaction to the Magi’s visit?

What was the importance of the Magi’s gift to Jesus?

How did the Magi’s visit fulfill the prophecy? Why is the fulfillment of prophecy important?

What are some promises Jesus gave to those who trust and follow him? Write down the

passage address and paraphrase those promises in your own words.

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