Hope…Hope in the Pain- 2/26/23

Hope…Hope in the Pain

Psalm 88:1-6, 16

Sermon Notes

Take Notes Below


Icebreaker: Why do most Christians emphasize “mountain top” experiences and    

 de-emphasize “valley of the shadow of death” experiences? 


Read Psalm 88

Why do you think Psalm 88 is included in the Bible?


Are you surprised that this psalm does not end with a word of hope or encouragement?

Why is this important?


What do you think the author was going through when they penned these words? What

have been your Psalm 88 moments?


It’s been said, “When it is the hardest to pray, pray the hardest”. How does this psalm teach

us to pray in our pain?


What does Psalm 88 teach us about the Grace of God?  Where do we find grace in this psalm?


When and where did Jesus experience Psalm 88? Why is it important that He can relate to us?


Psalm 88 is not the final Psalm in the Bible. Why is it not the last word?


What did Psalm 88 teach you?  What will you do with this knowledge?


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