I Love My Church…Second Chances- 10/23/22

I Love My Church- Second Chances

Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15-19

Sermon Notes

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Ice Breaker Questions: 

What has been the defining moment that has shaped your life?  Is it a moment of success or a moment of failure?

What was the defining moment of Peter’s life?  Was it a moment of success or a moment of failure?

Read Luke 22:54-62

What is the context of this passage?

Why was Peter in the courtyard?

What are the emotions that Peter must have felt when he was questioned?  Have you ever felt those emotions on account of your relationship with Jesus?

What caused Peter to deny Jesus?  Why did Peter keep on denying him?

Have you ever denied Jesus?  In what ways?

Describe the bitterness that Peter felt when he heard the rooster crow?

Read John 21:15-19

Why did Peter go back to fishing? What does this tell you about Peter’s state of mind?

How does brokenness and usefulness go hand in hand?

Why does Jesus ask Peter if he loves him three times in a row?  How did that make Peter feel? Why was this threefold process significant?

What does restoration feel like? Why is this at the heart of the Gospel?

In what ways is Jesus calling you back to love, follow and serve him?

How can God Sam help you with your next step?

How will you apply this sermon to your life?  How will you love others as Jesus loved you?


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