I Voted for Jesus…”The Love That Reaches Across the Aisle”- 9/29/24

I Voted for Jesus… “The Love That Reaches Across the Aisle”

Galatians 3:28; John 13:34

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: What is the difference between Republican/Democrat Jesus followers and Democrat/Republican non-Jesus followers?

How has the church forgotten the teachings of Christ in the midst of a polarizing political season?

Read Galatians 3:28

How had the first century culture divided people into opposing categories?  What impact

did this have?

Why was this unity so revolutionary in that day?

If Paul were writing to the America Church, do you think he would add the category of

Democrat or Republican to his list? Why or why not?

Read John 13:34

What is Jesus giving his disciples in this passage?  An idea, a suggestion, some advice, or a


Why is this such a revolutionary command?

How does this command connect with Jesus’s command to love our neighbor as yourself?

What will happen, even in our polarizing culture, when we do what Jesus tells us to

do?  Read John 13:35

What practical steps will you take to obey Jesus’ command as we navigate this election

cycle? How will your actions point people to Christ?

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