Love and Light…Can I Get a Witness?- 4/7/24

Love & Light…Can I Get a Witness?

1 John 1:1-4

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Have you ever served as a witness in a court of law?  What is the role of a witness?  What makes a good witness? 

Read 1 John 1:1–4

How are the opening verses of 1 John similar to Genesis 1:1 and the beginning of the Gospel of John?

What is John trying to communicate with these similarities?

Why is John writing this letter?

How has John served as a witness to the person and work of Christ?

How is eternal life anchored in the person and work of Christ?

The Greek word translated “fellowship” in the NIV is koinonia, which means to have something in common. What do Christians have in common because of Christ?  How does this impact the life we lead?

Who has God placed in your life to help you live out your faith in Jesus?

In verse 4 John tells us the result of a genuinely Christ-centered fellowship will be joy- “to make our joy complete.”  How have you experienced this joy?

Ask God to continue to reveal to you others He wants to call you into fellowship with, and ask that together you may be committed in your walks with Jesus.

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