Love and Light…Children of God- 4/28/24

Love & Light…Children of God

1 John 2:28-29; 3:1-10

Sermon Application Questions

Icebreaker: When and where have you experienced lavished love? 

Read 1 John 2: 28 – 1 John 3:10 

What is the tone of voice that John is using in this letter?  What is John reminding the church in this passage?

How does John describe the great love that God has for us (v.1)?

What does it mean to you, that God invites you to be a child of God?

John says, “When he is revealed we shall be like him” (v.2). In what ways do you think we will be like Jesus?

In this passage John reminds us that Jesus is coming back.  What does it look like to live in this confidence?

How does living a righteous life allow you to approach God’s throne with confidence?

What does John tell us in this passage about the person who “goes on sinning”?

In verse 7 John says, “Don’t let anyone deceive you.” What deceptive things is John referring to?

What is the benefit for us today in being reminded of the glorious future that is ahead?

How are you remaining in the love that God has for you?

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