Love and Light…Love in Action- 6/2/24

Love & Light…Love in Action

1 John 5:1-5, 11-12

Sermon Application Questions

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Read 1 John 5: 1- 5 and 11 – 12

What does John say is true of those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God?

John writes that loving God means keeping His commandments and that God’s

commandments “are not burdensome” or “are no trouble” (v. 3). What does he mean by


Most of us would say we find it difficult to keep God’s commandments. How do verses 4–5

unpack verse 3?

John writes, (v. 4) “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that

has overcome the world.” What does this victory look like?  What does it look like in your life?

Think of a situation right now in which it looks like good is losing. How does this portion of

John’s letter speak to that situation?

How are you living into the new life that God has for you in Christ Jesus?

How can you be a testimony to the work that God is doing?

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