Ruth…Sadie Hawkins and Salvation- 7/3/22

Ruth…Sadie Hawkins and Salvation

Ruth 3:1-9

Application Questions

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Ice Breaker:  Have you ever attended a Sadie Hawkins dance? What was it like to ask? What was it like to be asked?


Read Ruth 3:1

How much time had passed between the ending of chapter two and chapter three?   Why did “one day” feel so long?


What must it have felt like for Ruth and Naomi when the relationship with Boaz did not continue to blossom?


How did this impact their relationship with God?


Read Ruth 3:2-3

Why was the end of the harvest such a significant time?


Why was there a righteous party thrown when the harvest had been brought in?


Read Ruth 3:4

How does this verse strike you?  What is Naomi really proposing?


Is this advice you would give to your daughter?


In the end, how is Naomi providing for Ruth?


Read Ruth 3:5

Why is Ruth’s response so remarkable?


What does it say about her confidence in Naomi and her confidence in God?


How will you step out in faith this week?


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