Sacramental…Baptism- 5/28/23


Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39; 16:31-33

Sermon Application Questions

Take Notes Here:

List all the places where you see division in our country and culture.  Is this helping or hurting to create a positive environment?

How does being a congregation that affirms both infant dedication and infant baptism help us to be open to God’s activity?

What is a sacrament?  What are the two extreme views of sacraments?

Read Mark 10:13-16

How does Jesus express his feelings about children through scripture?

Read Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38-39 and Acts 16:31-33

How and when were you baptized? What impact did this make on your life?

In teaching about baptism, why didn’t Jesus give us clear instruction about dedication and baptism?

After this sermon, what is your understanding of infant dedication?

After this sermon, what is your understanding of infant baptism?

How does infant baptism help us to see the saving work of God?

How does believer baptism help us to see the saving work of God?

Is there a next step that you or your family would like to take in this area?

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