The Power of Words…”Jesus, the Final Word”- 1/14/24

The Power of Words…” Jesus, the Final Word”

James 3:2-12

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: How have words shaped your life? How do your words shape other people’s lives? 


It’s been said that you can do more damage with your words than any other part of your body.  Have you found this to be true?


Read James 3:2

What is the main point James is making in verse 2?  What exactly is he saying? How would you make his point using your own words?


Read James 3: 3-4

What is the point that James is trying to make in his illustration of horses and ships?


How is it that something so small can control something so big?


What other examples could James have used to make his point?


Read James 3: 5

How big is a human tongue? How powerful is a human tongue?


Read James 3: 6-8

How have you seen destructive words spread like wildfire?


How is James challenging us to take responsibility for our words?


Why are we so quick to minimize the destructive words we have used?   Why does James

not let us off the hook?


How do our words reveal what is happening in our heart?  How do our words reveal evil?


Read James 3: 9-12

What is the point James is making in this passage?


Why does James end this passage so abruptly?


It’s been said, “If God can change your words, He can change your life.”  Do you agree or

disagree with this statement?  Why?


How can we surrender our words to God?


Who is God calling you to build up with your words this week?


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