The Songs of Christmas…Zechariah’s Song- 12/11/22

The Songs of Christmas: Zechariah’s Song

Luke 1:67-79

Sermon Notes

Take Notes Here:


Ice Breaker Questions: Have you ever watched a Nascar race? What does the pace car do in the context of a Nascar race? 


Read Luke 1: 5-7

Why were Zechariah and Elizabeth perfectly positioned to be used by God when they first entered marriage?


Why was it so disappointing that they could not have children?


How do you think they coped with this heartache?  How do you deal with disappointment?


Read Luke 1: 11-15

What must have Zechariah experienced when the angel of the Lord appeared to him?


What must have Zechariah experienced after he discovered that God was answering his prayers?


Read Luke 1: 19-20

What had Zechariah been praying for?


Why did Zechariah doubt God?


Is there an area of your life where you are looking at God through your problems rather than looking at your problems through the power of God?


How can you invite silence into your lives this week in order to observe God’s activity in your life and in the world?


Read Luke 1: 67-79

In this song Zechariah rejoiced that his son will serve as a “pace car” and prepare the way for Jesus.


Is God asking you to set anything aside in order to further God’s purposes?


What are a few practical ways that you can prepare the way for God to work in the lives of others this week?


How will you apply this sermon to your life this week?


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