Together Again…Remember Who We Are- 1/9/22

Together Again…Remember Who We Are

Luke 10:25-37

Sermon Application Questions

Take Notes Here: 

Ice Breaker 

Why is it so important to remember who you are?

What are some of the things that make you forget?

Read Luke 10: 25-37

Read Luke 10:26

Why is this a question that we should be honestly asking?

What motivated the teacher of the law to ask this question?  How was this a trick question?

Read Luke 10: 31-32

Who are the people that you believe are automatically included in God’s family? Why?

Read Luke 10:33

Why would it be scandalous for Jesus to include a Samaritan in a parable like this? Who are the people that you would perceive to be on the outside of God’s family?  Why?

What does compassion literally mean? How did the good Samaritan express his compassion?

Read Luke 10: 28

What is one way, large or small, that you could “Go and Do Likewise”?

What does GSCCC do today that would make people ask in surprise, “Why in the world are you doing that?”

What cost did the Good Samaritan incur in helping the wounded man on the road?  What cost are you willing to pay to minister those who God is asking you to help?

This week, what did you learn?

This week, what will you do?

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