Toolbox…Passion 03/06/22


Ephesians 6:12-13

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Sermon Application Questions

Today’s Big Idea: My passions show me who and what I was made to fight for. 

Icebreaker: When you think of passion, what do you think of? 

Read Ephesians 6:12-13

This week has been a reminder that we live in a world at war.  Paul reminds us that as Christians we are also engaged in a spiritual war.

  • How does Paul instruct us to prepare for this war?
  • Who and what are we fighting?
  • What will happen if Christians refuse to step onto the spiritual battlefield?
  • What happens when we faithfully engage?

In 1 Samuel 17, we are introduced to Goliath who stands against God’s people.

  • We each have giants that we face. What is the name of your Goliath? 

Read 1 Samuel 17:45, 48

We see David running toward God’s enemy on the battlefield.

  • Who do you spiritually fight for?
  • What spiritual battle are you running toward?
  • What injustice are you willing to address?

How do these questions help you to recognize the passion that God has instilled in you?

This week, how will you put on the armor of God so that you can advance God’s Kingdom?

How can your WNL group support you in prayer?

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