Trusting Others – 3/7/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

Read Philemon 1:4-18 Dive deeper into this week’s message and passages from the Bible. Here are some questions to help guide your group’s discussion.

Trust issues and where they come from

We don’t come into the world with trust issues, we develop them. Trust issues occur when someone you felt close to hurts you, disappoints you, or lets you down in some way. It could be intentional or unintentional—it doesn’t really matter. When trust is broken, a relational debt develops, and we naturally end up with “exes” (people we have written off or lost hope in).

Have you ever had your trust broken by someone? What was the impact of this relational debt?

Have you ever broken the trust of someone you loved and cared about, even unintentionally?

Knowing that trust is a fragile currency, what did you do or what could you have done to rebuild trust with that person?

Trust issues are dangerous when unaddressed

Paul is appealing to Philemon to keep trust alive. When you let go of trust, you lose hope. When you lose hope, you become a cynic. Cynics pre-judge people put them in categories and make conclusions too quickly. They aren’t very teachable, are often cold-hearted, and project past hurts and betrayals on future opportunities and relationships. This is exactly where the enemy wants you to be and what he wants you to think.

Why is cynicism something we need to fight against?

What consequences would we suffer if we allowed ourselves to become and/or remain cynical?

What can you learn from how Paul extends trust to Philemon?

How do you think this trust impacted Philemon? How did it build his faith?

What are some ways that you can develop deep roots and remain connected to Jesus so that you are able to be a trusting person?

Is there anything you need to change in the routines and rhythms of your week that would help you have an even stronger connection with Jesus?

Questions for Reflection 

What is God saying through his word? 

What are you going to do about it? 

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