What Jesus Wants Us to Remember- 4/3/22

What Jesus Wants Us to Remember

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Take Notes Below:

Ice Breaker: What is your first memory of receiving communion?

Key Question: How does communion help us to remember who Jesus is and what Jesus has done?

Key Idea: Communion is a fellowship of believers by which we gather together to remember, participate and proclaim the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Why has communion been debated and discussed for 2000 years?

What were the two extreme views of communion that Pastor Jed highlighted?

Read 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26. 

Why were these words the first words of Christ that were ever recorded?

What are the things that keep us from remembering who Jesus is and what Jesus has done?

How does communion help us to proclaim Jesus’s death and life?

How is it a reenactment of the gospel story?

How is communion intended to unify and unite the church?

What are the ways that our church builds unity within the body when we celebrate communion?

What did you learn from this sermon?

What will you do with what you learned?

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