Wonder – 4/11/21

Sermon Notes:

Application Questions:

What are some things that have brought wonder in your life? 


Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.  

How would you describe wonder in your own words?

Read Matthew 18:3-4

What role did children have in first century society? 

What do you think motivated the disciples to ask “the greatest” question? 

Why did Jesus use a child to show them what being “the greatest” means?

How do children help us grow in our wonder of God and all that He has done?

What are the things that keep us from wonder? 

How does that impact our spiritual development? 

When all the people saw Jesus, they were filled with wonder. And they ran to greet him. Mark 9:15

What were some of the wonderful things that Jesus did during his ministry on earth?

How did these things fill the people with wonder?

The apostles did many signs and wonders among the people. All the believers used to meet together at Solomon’s Porch.  Acts 5:12

What were some of the wonderful things that God did through the apostles? 

How did that deepen the faith of the community? 

Lord, I will give thanks to you with all my heart. I will tell about all the wonderful things you have done. Psalm 9:1

What are the wonderful things God has done for you?

How do you acknowledge these wonderful actions?

How does wonder add awe and reverence to your worship?

In what ways can you become like a little child this week?  

How will that help you deepen your relationship with God?

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