You’ve God a Friend in Me- 10/13/24

You’ve Got a Friend in Me… “David and Jonathan

1 Samuel 18:1-4; 23:15-18

Sermon Application Questions

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It’s 3am in the morning and you are in desperate need of a friend.  Who are you going to

call?  Why?


Do you agree or disagree?  Your friendships are as important to your spiritual formation as

your daily devotions and your weekly worship.

Read 1 Samuel 18:1

Who was David?  Who was Jonathan?

Why should they have been rivals or enemies?

What did this friendship cost Jonathan?

Read 1 Samuel 20: 4

What were the actions that demonstrated Jonathan’s friendship to David?

How have your friends demonstrated their care for you through action?

Is there an action that God is calling you to act upon that will strengthen your friendships?

Read 1 Samuel 20: 14, 15

What does the Hebrew word, Hesed mean?

How is faithfulness expressed in your friendships?

How does this kind of friendship bless the next generation?

What friendship will you invest in this week?

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