You’ve Got a Friend in Me…”Mary and Martha”- 10/20/24

You’ve Got a Friend in Me… “Mary and Martha”

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: What are the qualities you look for in a close friend? 

Read Luke 10:38-42

Who were Mary and Martha?  What kind of friends were they to Jesus?

Why was Martha upset with what Mary was doing in this passage?

Are you surprised that Martha tells Jesus to rebuke Mary? What does that say about their

relationship with each other and with Jesus?

What are the frustrations you are carrying?

Who are the friends that you can express your frustration with in healthy ways?

How does being with Jesus strengthen your friendships?

Read John 11: 17-27

In verse 21, Martha asks Jesus a hard question.  What does this say about their


In this passage we see this friendship was strong enough to talk about sickness, sorrow,

suffering, loss, death, tragedy, and the life to come.  Are there friends that you have that

need to talk about these things with you?

What is the good news that Jesus gives Martha?

How do faith and friendship go hand in hand?

What is one thing you can do this week to deepen a friendship you have?

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