You’ve Got a Friend in Me…”Nathanael and Philip” 11/10/24

You’ve Got a Friend in Me… “Nathanael and Philip”

Sermon Application Questions

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Icebreaker: Do you have a friend that needs to be introduced to Jesus? 

Read John 1: 43-44

Jesus called Philip directly with a simple invitation: “Follow me.” What does it mean for you

personally, to follow Jesus?

In what areas of your life is Jesus calling you to follow Him more closely?

Read John 1: 45

After meeting Jesus, Philip quickly invited Nathanael. Are there people in your life you feel

prompted to invite to know Jesus?

What barriers or fears do you face when sharing your faith with others? How can you

address those?

Read John 1: 46-47

Nathanael was initially skeptical. How do you respond when people are skeptical about


Why is “Come and see” such a wonderful response?

How does it take the pressure off of Phillip?  What can you learn from this?

Read John 1: 48-51

Jesus told Nathanael he would see “greater things” in the future. In what areas of your life

are you hoping to see Jesus work?

How can you stay open to the new and greater things Jesus may be doing in your life?

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